Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Eighty One

Evening reader

Had a relatively un-eventful day in work.  I broke with tradition and got my hair cut at a barbers that I've never been to today.  Not 100% sure what it was called, but it was in Old Skem. My barber of choice, the imaginatively named "The Barber Shop", was closed, and my hair was getting so long it was annoying me.

I came home this evening and within minutes, there was fun and frivolity in the garden as Deb and Luke were, essentially, playing with water!  Photo's and video....

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Eighty


I've been to Bollington today, where I saw my Mother In Law, and Nephew, Jacob!  Not too many words tonight, but here we go.

Luke and Jacob had a good dance to some nonsense that was on CBeebies.  Jacob was doing his best "boogie" dancing, and Luke was just doing is unusual windmill type of dancing.

Later on, we ventured into the big smoke - Macclesfield to do a bit of shopping.  All very pleasant.  Macclesfield is a lovely town.  On the way back to Bollington, I noticed this shop, which my attention was first drawn towards by my brother in law.  I never knew Macc folk were so honest and open about what goes on behind closed doors!

Monday, 28 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Seventy Nine

Evening reader people

Got two photo's for you today.

Firstly, after a little over three years, Luke seems to be slowly but surely growing into his playroom.  He is much happier spending time in there, playing with his stuff, and watching dvd's / cbeebies.  I captured one such moment today...

And he features on today's second photograph, too.  This time, wearing his mums flip flops!!

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Seventy Eight

Af'noon reader

So - England beat the Germans 4-1.  Pity we let one in, eh?

The above might not have happened in reality.  I am blogging at 12:56, so I'm maybe being a tad optimistic.

Some photo's for you...

Deb has a new workout thingy for the Wii.  EA Active Personal Trainer.  It looks ace to be fair.  Luke decided he was going to take part, too....

But then - it all got a bit too much for him....

Oh - and a bonus pic.  I've toyed with posting photo's similar to this one in the past but I don't think I ever have.  Until now.....  Allow me to present my neighbours washing line.  

"Buy one - get 17 free"

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Seventy Seven

Hello reader

Third night in work now, and I feel like I've done enough nights now.  I want to be at home with my people.

When I left here this morning, it was this hot....

That's just silly.  07:08 at 17 degrees.  Lunacy. What has become of this country.  I am going to write a letter to someone. Or - maybe I just need a job that gives me weekends, like most of the rest of the working population.

This evening, whilst I am sat in a stuffy office, my neighbour sent me this photo from his phone.  My lovely wife and child are in his garden at the moment, enjoying a few drinks.

Friday, 25 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Seventy Six

Evening all

I've gone and done the "usual" thing of getting to 10pm and thinking "crap - i haven't taken a photo today!".  So then I continued to fret a while before taking two boring boring photo's.

 My friend Stacey gave me this Nutri-Grain bar.  I like them. Cheers Stace.

Sian Lloyd (or however you spell her daft Welsh name) does the Welsh weather on Welsh ITV.  It was called HTV when I was a kid, but I'm not sure it is now.  Anyway - Sian, if you're reading this (and why wouldn't she be?), PLEASE accept that you are fifty two year old woman.  That on it's own is absolutely fine. Even being Welsh, and  52 is ok. But stop dying your hair, and stop wearing a bra that Madonna would have been proud of in 1990.  Thanks, Sian.  Oh, and no more surgery on the lips either please.  You're two, maybe three operations away from the unsightly "Lesley Ash" look.

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Seventy Five

G'day reader

A quick one tonight as I'm in work.  Two photo's for you this evening.

"Luke making a Peppa Pig sticker collage" 

 "Dining Al-fresco"

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Seventy Four

Hmmm.  So I'm here again, with another few photo's.

Since last night, I've had a good rooty tooty round in picasaweb and I have found a folder that contains all the photo's that have appeared on this blog.  The only problem now is that the blog has lost it's links to them.  I could re-link them, but with 172 blogs to go through, it would take some time.  Either way - as a regular reader will tell you (and I do have 9.7 regular readers per day apparently!), I have taken a photo every day and posted it on here, so - with that in mind - I'll crack on.

Two photo's today, both taken this evening.  Luke had his quarterly hair cut this evening. I've since apologised to our neighbours for the screams that he emitted.  Screams of pain and fear, heard only when a warrior has been cornered by an adversary and is being slowly killed.

Whilst it would have been "entertaining" to video him having this fit, we decided against it.  We like Luke and we'd prefer it if social services didn't remove him from us.  So - this is the aftermath...


Lastly, I have yet to report my most splendid Fathers Day present.  I bloody LOVE these little fella's.


Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Seventy Three


This evening, I am upset.  Not because I haven't taken a photo for this blog, no - something much more important.  Last night, I deleted an online album I had with picasaweb because it contained loads of duplicated photo's.  Little did I know, that was where THIS blog kept all it's pictures that I'd uploaded from my telephone.

You may notice that there are a great many days that now have no photo's.  I believe this to be beyond repair.  I have sent a letter to google asking for help, but I'm not holding out much hope.  Basically, reader - I've broken my blog.

I hurt on the inside.  I'm not crying, but.... I'm not happy.  I don't know where to go, or what to do with this project now.  The whole point was to be able to look back over an entire year in pictures with (sometimes) fond memories.  I've just pissed all over that with one click.

I'll post some photo's from today, but after that - I don't know.

Today was lovely. Luke visited his new school for an hour, for a taster session. He met Mrs Jones and Miss Woods and seemed to like them.  He played outside, and did THREE wee's (within an hour).  After that, we went home for lunch and drove to Blackpool!  We played on the beach for a bit, went to the amusement arcades, drove up to Cleveleys and played on the park, went to the pub for tea, then visited our lovely Parry friends back in Blackpool before returning home!  What a day!

 The lovely Palace nightclub.  The place where Michaela Strachan and I first met.  I'm sure she still regails friends with the story about the skinny scouse lad who asked her to sign a Wrigleys Chewing Gum wrapper...

 Luke went mental on these machines.  He became quite obsessive!  I can only imagine, but it was like he was on some sort of drug and he was completely focussed on the task in hand - which was, of course, to roll the 2p's in the machine and try and make more come out the bottom.

 As you can tell from the expression of sheer joy on his face - he loved this....

In my previous life, I had a car stolen from a car park in Blackpool.  I was determined that history would not repeat itself.  So - I parked the car about 10ft from the door to the Western Division headquarters of Lancashire Constabulary.
My lovely wife chipped her tooth on these trampolines at Anchorsholme Park in Cleveleys when she was a nipper.  I say "these", they've gone now, but she wanted a photo for posterity.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Seventy Two

Hello dare

Well, without doing very much at all, I've had a properly lovely day!!

Started off in a typical Francis lazy fashion, lounging round, then I had a little sunbathe!  We had a lovely brunch and following that, I went out in search of fence paint.

Found what I needed at Wickes and returned home - mowed the grass, strimmed the edges, painted the fence, and yeah - it was ace.

Today's photo's - a before and after, and the view from my sun lounger this morning...

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Seventy One

Good fathers day to you, reader

I started the day in work, came home, slept, woke up, ate, drove to Bollington, and spent the afternoon with family!

I didn't take any photo's in Bollington, which was silly - proper silly as there were a great many opportunities. I didn't have the "real" camera with me, and I'm just not sure my telephone camera is up to excessively sunny conditions.  So - today's photo was taken in the car on the way home.  Deb was driving and I caught luke having a good old relax in his car seat. Now he looks like he's got the worries of the world on his shoulders here.  He hasn't - he's just a bit dramatic at times...

" Why oh why did I invest so heavily in the Euro?! "

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Seventy

Evening reader

Thought i'd try and get this one done early doors because if I wait until later my excitement may have subsided a little.

I refer you to my update on the bottom of Day One Hundred And Sixty FiveElizabeth McClarnon, of Atomic Kitten fame (and currently a BBC TV Presenter), once again went out of her way to reply to a message I sent her on Twitter.  This is the second time in five days that she has done this, and I'm starting to read into it a little.  It is clear to me that she is becoming a little, shall we say.. "obsessed" with me.  I'll hold off contacting the authorities for the time being and instead, I will monitor the situation.

This evening, Liz posted the following message on twitter:-

LizMcClarnon: Why am I watching the Camaroon Vs Denmark match? When I really want to watch Sex and the City!
I replied with:-
adum: @LizMcClarnon because you LOVE football?? you'd watch skem united vs rhyl if it was on telly!

And her reply to me - which she has clearly taken a LONG time thinking about, making sure all the grammar was correct before posting it, was....

Friday, 18 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Sixty Nine

Evening reader

Well - weren't England good tonight, getting a draw against the mighty Algeria?  Hmph.

Today's photograph is a beautiful scene.  It's a sunset over Skelmersdale, as seen from the roof of the building I work in.  I say beautiful - the sunset is beautiful, the landscape between the camera lens, and the star itself - less so.

Day One Hundred And Sixty Eight

Evening reader

3 mins late! Damn.

2 photo's for you today.  The first one....

Saw this  bloke on a trip to the wonderful Concourse Shopping Centre today.  Not everyone could get away with wearing such a god awful shirt such as this. He seems to be ok with it.  As if he wasn't weird enough, note the pink toy under his arm.  I think he was off to get the kids.

Secondly, when I got in from work this evening, my lovely wife had this stuck to her chest.  I agree with it.

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Sixty Seven

Morning. Apologies for yet another late entry. I'll make this one brief. In work there as a "Be proud of your work place" thing going on. Among other things a magazine rack has been installed with lots of techy magazines adorning it. Except this one...

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Sixty Six

Evening reader

What a lovely day today has been! The sun has been shining all day long, so the best (and only) thing to do was to tidy the house. Of course.

After that was sort of done, we decided to go out and fly my Lukes new Roary kite.  We drove up to Ashurst Beacon at the top of Skelmersdale in Dalton.  There wasn't much wind, but what there was was just enough.  It was lovely up there and with only us there, it was peaceful, too.

Some photo's for you...

Oh, and one more that I have JUST taken.  We have just had our first Sainsbury's home delivery...

"Carlsberg don't make refrigerators....."

Monday, 14 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Sixty Five

Might this be THE earlies post I've ever done?  Minutes after one of the latest. I'm rubbish, me.

Anyway - I don't want to forget to do today's post, so thought I'd best do it straight away!  I expect that I'll update it this evening with more photo's from whatever we get up to today (decency permitting).

Photo one is of a hottie off the telly.  The actual photo is taken off the website on which she features.


Whilst typing this blog entry, I've done a bit of research on Laura.  As you can see from the image, she presents "Wake Up World" on Nick Junior (recently renamed to Nick Jr). Damned yankees.  My research revealed that her name is Laura Hamilton, and she has a rather nice website here, as well as a somewhat lacking Wikipedia entry here.

Thanks for reading, I'm off to watch Wake Up World on a loop.

  • Oh - one more thing, a wee update to Day One Hundred And Sixty One.  During my night shift, I asked Liz McClarnon (former Atomic Kitten) a question on twitter. She replied to me.  It was the highlight of my twitter life.
" @adum "

Millions of photo's today!  Here are two more from today.  The first is Luke at Hope Community Library, checking out the spec of the computers that they have in there!

"Yeah, not bad. A quad-core would suit this sort of usage better than a dual"

And the second photo is of some splendid foodstuff's that I purchased today on our very first shopping trip to Leigh.  Leigh is Wigan's friend. Everything here is Wigan and Leigh this, and Wigan and Leigh that, so we thought as we lived in one, we'd visit the other.  It was... not the best, but not a complete shit hole all the same.

"mmmm Vimto"

Day One Hundred And Sixty Four

Morning reader.

With apologies, here is yesterdays photo.

Firstly, this is the scene following the sleepover at Lisa & James'.  This is the barn, in which my daughters slept.  You wouldn't know that they'd been there!  I was very very proud when I walked in to check the room and saw it in this state.

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Day One Hundred And Sixty Three

Hello reader. Today is one of them there mobile blogs. This evening we are in shirley, near ashborne, near Derby. Our friends Lisa and James offered to put all 7 of us up so that we could celebrate Sam's birthday and also watch the England game. 1-1 with USA. Massive. Got a few photo's from this afternoon and evening for you.