Friday, 8 January 2010

Day Eight


A fairly uneventful day for me today.  Did a bit of car-skating on the way to and from work.  In work, I drew attention to a woman who looks like one of the ugliest men you'll ever meet (who also works where I do).  My colleagues encouraged me to tell the woman that she bears a striking similarity to this bloke, but I thought better of it.  My sensible side must be prominent at the moment because I'm thinking that getting a sneaky photo of her and putting it on here might not be THE best idea.  Although I am tempted.

On with today's photo.

I had an appointment at, well - I'm not sure what it is.  I was going to say hospital, but it's not.  And it's not a doctors surgery.  It's one of these new-fangled NHS places that is huge and has all sorts of things going on in it.  I have what I believe to be an umbilical hernia and I went to get it checked out.  I was initially examined by a female doctor who was all of about fourteen years old.  After she'd stroked my stomach for a while, she went away and returned with an Asian consultant.  He told me that he wants to give me an ultrasound to get a better idea of what has gone wrong!  An ultrasound?!  I'm not bloody pregnant.

So - the only thing I could think of capturing was this - the waiting room.  I have never before walked in to a hospital or doctors or whatever this building is, and seen the waiting room like this:-

"No witty caption for this photo"

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