Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Day One Hundred And Ninety Four

Evening Reader

Had a good day today.

Bought a shed, went shopping at Middlebrook, and made a lovely curry.

Evidence of all activities is here (with the exception of the curry as I didn't stop long enough to capture it on camera)....

Sheds!  I love sheds.  I found these adjacent to the Haydock Thistle Hotel at the ironically named Garage World.  It does have garages, but they are far outnumbered by sheds.  Maybe they think calling it Shed World sounds shit?  Either way, I bought a tool store from them.  My own rubbish shed is literally full to bursting and to relieve it of tools will help it out no end.

Middlebrook.  Luke needed to pee in ASDA and after washing his hands, utilised both hand-dryers, which was particularly effective.  Ginger Beer.  You can legally purchase it even if you're not a ginger, although I think gingers get some sort of discount.  Even though I have fathered a ginger, I didn't get any discount.

And finally, Deb very kindly donated some of her blood to the blood people who'd attended her place of work.  She's been pale and... I want to say lacklustre, but I know that isn't the correct word.  She's.... listless - that's it.  My poor bloodless wife.

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