It would appear that summer has arrived, if only for a few days. Yesterday was beautiful, and today equally so. I made a fairly last minute decision to book today off work based on a few factors. 1, I was absolutely shattered. 2, It is the fourth anniversary of the wedding of Debbie & Adam Francis. 3, the weather forecast suggested that it would be fairly sunny and would not rain.
So, we set off to Southport this morning, and what a gay time we had. Probably going to bore you stupid with the photo's a video's on this blog, so hold tight - we're going to the fair...
We parked up at the Biiiiiiiirkdale end of the beach, where Luke (me) built some sandcastles. This photo is a photo of Luke taking a photo of his (my) castle. You will notice throughout these photo's and video's that Luke had his lined Thomas coat on. It was about 17/18 degrees centigrade today - hardly cold. Further proof, if needed, that he has his mothers internal thermostat.
After that, I suggested we drive up to Southport, but my beautiful wife suggested we walk. So we walked.
Not long after, we arrived at the fair. They had a Thomas ride so Debbie and Luke went on it!! He was, to be fair VERY happy about going on that ride.
Luke also went in a helicopter. It stole our 50p, so I went and found the man who worked inside to sort it for us. He fixed it and I was grateful but he looked wrong. I wouldn't have left any of my children in his care, let's just say that.
Southport fair has undergone, and is still undergoing modernisation. It really isn't as bad as it used to be, and if I'm honest, it's a decent little fairground.
After the fair, we went back to the beach for a while, whilst Luke (me & Deb) made sandcastles. I wrote his name in the sand. Awesome, eh?
And finally..... this morning, Luke was watching Lazy Town. I had to rewind it after I heard one of the characters swear. They really did. It's about 7 seconds into the clip. Shocking. I'm writing to Barry Took.
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