Saturday, 10 April 2010

Day One Hundred !

One hundred days!!!  I'm very proud of myself for this, being my one hundredth post.  Well done me.

We had friends, Lisa, James, and their boys Sam & Ben stay with us last night.  I drank too much (shocked?), and felt as rough as a bears arse this morning.  Last evening, Deb had asked James' advise on moving our small freezer from it's current location, to another.

This afternoon, and the job is all done.  James did a fantastic job in no time at all, and we are both very very pleased with the results!  I have a few things on the worktop in this photo that need putting in the shed, but the freezer under the worktop, and the cupboard with new shelf is fantastic!

 "SO pleased"

Around 5pm this evening, the Greater Manchester Police helicopter was hovering above our house.  Luke and I were rather excited by this.  We stood in the garden whilst Luke waved at it.  He then rushed in to get his toy helicopter to show it to the real helicopter.  Got a photo and a video to show that..

"WELL loud and exciting"

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