Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Day Two Hundred And Forty Three

Evening reader

We went for a walk this afternoon up to Wigan to collect some more bits of Luke's school uniform. The shop was ridiculously busy, so we left and walked a bit more to Alexandra Park. Played there a while before returning home.  We were out for a good 2 hours and it was completely lovely.   Two photo's for you from today's jaunts.

St James' Church, Poolstock

My Luke and my Deb swinging in Alexandra Park

My throat feels like it's been rasped. Just had a good swig of this. Bedtime now. Night!

Monday, 30 August 2010

Day Two Hundred And Forty Two

Evening reader

So, a day of almost being hit by a car, and seeing another car avoid an accident twice! And - a day of sleeping.  Now, time to stay awake until the early morning before enjoying four more days off work. Lovely.

Just the one photograph for you today. This evening the sky is so clear so I tried to capture a sunset image for you.  I left it about 20 mins too late, so the sun has set a fair bit.  It's not ace, but it's all I have to offer today...

Day Two Hundred And Forty One

Morning reader

Well - my first "normal" post for a while, and I'm late with it.  So we really are - back to normal!

It's 01:28 on a Bank Holiday Monday morning and I'm in work.  As you can imagine, it's all going on  #sarcasm.

I have only one photo for you today, which was taken at the currently undergoing redevelopment Sainsbury's in Wigan. It is of Luke, sat in a trolley with Debbie's hoody on him.  He complained he was cold (he has Debbie's temperature controls), so wore the hoody.  I'll make more of an effort tomorrow, although I'm home alone and on nights, so I've no idea what that will be yet! 

I know he looks a bit like a biff, but he isn't really.

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Day Two Hundred And Forty

So - normal service is almost resumed!

This is the last of the delayed holiday posts.  I have only one photo for you today, and that is of my boot - chokka full of stuff before we left Blackpool to return to Wigan.  I'll be back tonight with a more "normal" (read: dull) post...

Day Two Hundred And Thirty Nine

Friday 27th August
Holiday Day Eight

Today was our day for Blackpool Tower. We got in there and visited the aquarium and the 3D cinema, and then we went into the Circus.  My word it was good.  SO good, in fact.  The show was about 2 hours 20 minutes and you had either a smile, or a look of fear on your face all the way through. I cannot recommend it enough.  You pay one price to get into Blackpool Tower, and that includes admission to the Circus, the Aquarium, Jungle Jim's indoor play centre, and a trip to the top of the tower.

The weather has been incredible (for the UK), given that there have been torrential floods in the southern half of the country.  All I can say is that it makes a refreshing change for the north to have the lions share of the weather.  Thank you god.

Day Two Hundred And Thirty Eight

Thursday 26th August
Holiday Day Seven

Today, we went back to Freeport at Fleetwood.  As you know, I'd knackered our last visit there by losing the key to the caravan – we all lost momentum after that.  But – today was different.  The sun was shining – they key was safe, so off we went for round two at Freeport!

We got there and it was a totally different experience.  Instead of looking down at the ground, I actually noticed more of the shops that are there. We even discovered a park in there, which the children loved loads.  So much that they were so happy there, I went off to McDonalds and brought a load of food back for lunch, which we enjoyed in the park.  'twas lovely!

That evening, our Parry friends came back to see us for another evening of fun and frivolity.  It was an early night, but nonetheless a great night!

Day Two Hundred And Thirty Seven

Wednesday 25th August
Holiday Day Six

Today myself, Matthew and Charlotte went for a swim, whilst Rob, Luke and Debbie played in the outdoor splashzone!  A splendid time was had by all.  At about 12:30 we'd all dried off and headed up to Cleveleys. 

We visited Pizza Hut for lunch and all enjoyed an all you can eat buffet.  The food was su-bloody-perb, but the service was shocking.

Now, Debbie used to visit Cleveleys as a child with her family to stay in her grandparents' caravan.  Whilst there today, we had a good walk round whilst she had a lovely reminisce. From Cleveleys, we came back in to Blackpool, stopping off at Stanley Park.  Now, I've never been to Stanley Park, but I'd heard such good things about it.  I was so glad we went.  It's immense!  It's bloody huge and generally fantastic.  The children had a great time playing on the park.

Day Two Hundred And Thirty Six

Tuesday 24th August
Holiday Day Five

Today we visited the swimming pool on site. It was busy, but ace, too.  They have installed a new water slide that I went on with Robert. It was fantastic!  A HUGE drop down into a bowl which spins you round, before dropping in 2.2 metres of water.  Superb!

Today's photo is of a tired me, with my people.

Day Two Hundred And Thirty Five

Monday 23rd August
Holiday Day Four

Today we headed up to Fleetwood to visit the “world” famous fish market, and the Freeport shopping village.  We got to Freeport first and had a mooch.  After about half an hour, I realised that I didn't have the key to the caravan.  I started having a mild panic and searched through the pockets in my jeans and jacket SO many times – to no avail.  We decided to cut the visit short and head back to the caravan park to search for the key.  I was convinced I'd not left it in the door, but beyond that, couldn't work out where I'd put it.  As we pulled up outside, I saw the keyfob sitting there on the floor.  NEVER trust me with keys. I'm rubbish.

That evening, we went to the Show Bar to watch the Shaolin Monks circus show.  They were – rather excellent.  All the children were blown away by it – as were myself and Deb!

Day Two Hundred And Thirty Four

Sunday 22nd August
Holiday Day Three

Our friend Jenna stayed with us in our caravan last night.  Her and Charlotte are really good friends. As we were going to sleep last night, we could hear them chatting away.  No doubt, about Jonas brothers, or some other such teenage idols.

Today was a lovely day, weather-wise, so when Paul and Jo had been for Jenna, we headed down to Lytham St Annes and found a lovely secluded sand dune to chill in.  The children dug holes in the sand whilst Deb and I basked in the fantastic sun!  The views from the dunes was quite spectacular. We could see the backbone of England – The Penines. Across to the Ribble Estuary, down to Southport, and out across to the mountains of north Wales. 

When we got back to the caravan park, it was such a beautiful evening. We played ball games on the field in front of the van, and then (under duress, to be honest), we went for a walk round the mere.  I quickly regretted any argument I'd put up against going as it was excellent.  Thanks Deb!

Day Two Hundred And Thirty Three

Saturday 21st August
Holiday Day Two

Our lovely Parry friends came to visit us and we had a totally brilliant time.  We had eight children in and around the caravan, but you wouldn't have known it. They all get on so well, it's really really nice to see them all playing together. We watched the first episode of this years X-Factor, then played Just Dance on the Wii.  As usual, I was fantastic.  I stole a win with Kylie's “Can't Get You Out Of My Head” in the dying seconds of the song.

Day Two Hundred And Thirty Two

Friday 20th August
Holiday (bonus) Day One.

We packed all of our possessions into the back of the car and headed north. Well south, then north – to Blackpool.  The UK's own Las Vegas. I LOVE Blackpool.  I know it has a reputation for the kiss me quick hats, and rowdy hen and stag nights, but, despite that, it has a charm unlike any other place I've been.

So - some photo's from day one...

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Day Two Hundred And Thirty One

Hi !

Today has been (another) good day (so far).  Debbie's Corsa car has been blessed with another year-worth of roadworthy-ness by the ministry of transport. Well done car.

I have also finally sorted out the ever exciting meter readings for npower and jock power, so they're both happy now!

Whilst the car was being tested, Luke and I went for a walk.  Here are some photo's...

 We looked at where Scarlett's daddy works...

And we looked at this MASSIVE rabbit...

And we went to spasda...
And then we filmed the opening titles for The Bill.

We got back to the garage where Luke played with a bucket and spade...

..and had a quick drive of an Astra convertible.  I like them actually.  For the pedantic amongst you, I know there are no keys in it.  I was born in the metropolitan county of Merseyside, remember!

So - we got home. Luke ate some Play-Doh, I ate this...

A quiche called Lorraine.

The ever lovely Elizabeth McClarnon posted a message on twitter saying how lovely Edinburgh was.  I replied to her message saying the town of Skelmersdale was equally as lovely.  Her reply (her 3rd reply to me now), is here..

And finally - the bloke who lives over the road (you know the one. The one who's family unit we can't work out. All manner of people come and go from his house) - well - him. He was sat in his car for about 15 minutes this afternoon. Just sat there, doing.... nothing.  I checked and there was no sign of a hose from the exhaust.

I asked my friends on facebook what he could be doing there.  Two of the suggestions were either he was escaping the noise created by his children, or the radio in his house was broken.  A third suggestion was ... suggested, and I'm going to go with it.  He was on the phone.  To expand that a little - he was on the phone - because he's having an affair!  I'll expand it a tad further.  He was on the phone, having an affair - with a MAN.  The dirty so and so.  Who'd have thought it, eh?  It's always the quiet ones.