Monday, 30 August 2010

Day Two Hundred And Forty One

Morning reader

Well - my first "normal" post for a while, and I'm late with it.  So we really are - back to normal!

It's 01:28 on a Bank Holiday Monday morning and I'm in work.  As you can imagine, it's all going on  #sarcasm.

I have only one photo for you today, which was taken at the currently undergoing redevelopment Sainsbury's in Wigan. It is of Luke, sat in a trolley with Debbie's hoody on him.  He complained he was cold (he has Debbie's temperature controls), so wore the hoody.  I'll make more of an effort tomorrow, although I'm home alone and on nights, so I've no idea what that will be yet! 

I know he looks a bit like a biff, but he isn't really.

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